
Application of Active Filters in Biopharmaceutical Industry

Engineer:Michelle Zhou  Tel:+86 18795636361   E-mail: michelle.zhou@email.acrel.cn

Jiangsu Acrel Electrical MFG Co. Ltd

Abstract: This article analyzes the connotation and main characteristics of the ubiquitous power Internet of Things, and conducts a comprehensive discussion on the construction goals, basic architecture, key technologies and future development strategies of the ubiquitous power Internet of Things.


Keywords: ubiquitous power Internet of things; network planning; network development


As the energy revolution continues to advance, the concept of the ubiquitous power Internet of Things has emerged. The so-called ubiquitous power Internet of Things is to construct four main parts: perception layer, network layer, platform layer and application layer through the reasonable application of modern high-end technologies such as automation intelligent technology and the Internet of Things in all aspects of the power system. Intelligent power service system. The effective construction of the ubiquitous power Internet of Things can further promote the safe and stable operation of the power system, and can also help promote the optimization of power system management and services. Exploring the specific applications of key technologies in the ubiquitous power Internet of Things such as big data and the Internet of Things is of great significance to the development of smart grids.


1.A brief introduction to ubiquitous power Internet of Things technology

1.1 Definition of Ubiquitous Power Internet of Things

The ubiquitous Internet of Things is an Internet of Things technology that enables effective interaction between people and things without being limited by space. The ubiquitous Shenli Internet of Things generated on this basis is a realistic technology that effectively interacts between people and things with various types of equipment included in power companies, grid companies, and user suppliers. Through this technology, resources can be effectively gathered and converted into an energy ecological system. All kinds of data contained in the system can be collected, analyzed and summarized, and then big data technology can be used to process and filter this information to achieve multiple The establishment of a function sharing platform has brought the power-related ecological development model into a virtuous cycle, helping enterprises create more social value while promoting the healthy development of enterprises.


1.2 Features of Ubiquitous Power Internet of Things

In addition to its ubiquitous characteristics, the ubiquitous power Internet of Things also has better intelligence and sharing characteristics. The establishment of a corresponding platform through the ubiquitous power Internet of Things gives it platform characteristics. According to the characteristics of the ubiquitous power Internet of Things, extensive network integration can be achieved. In addition to power networks, these networks also effectively integrate optical fiber networks and mobile communication networks. The intelligent features of the ubiquitous power Internet of Things can be used in enterprise consumption displayed on the terminal mobile device. As the chip functions contained in mobile devices continue to improve, a large number of terminal devices have better data processing performance and instant response characteristics. These specific characteristics have enabled the power Internet of Things to gradually realize standardized interfaces, making the overall work efficiency improved. To achieve effective improvement, at the same time, the entire energy ecosystem can benefit from the effective sharing of these data. In addition, compared with the second-generation power system generated by the effective integration of large units, ultra-high voltage, and the Internet, the ubiquitous power Internet of Things has better energy renewable capabilities. At the same time, this generation The security performance of the network has been effectively improved.


The flexibility of energy system configuration under the pile frame of the third-generation power system is higher, and it also promotes the efficiency of terminal energy utilization. As the coverage of the power grid gradually expands, the system realizes the effective integration of three elements, including information energy and electricity. This coverage gradually fully covers cities and rural areas, and the response speed to thousands of electricity needs has been improved. A greater degree of improvement. The third generation power grid has played a very important role in promoting my country's energy structure adjustment and energy consumption transformation.


2.Construction of Ubiquitous Power Internet of Things

2.1 The construction goals of the ubiquitous power Internet of Things

The ubiquitous power Internet of Things can apply different types of science and technology according to different space environments. For example, the use of artificial intelligence and big data technology in the ubiquitous power Internet of Things can enable effective interoperability between different processes and links in the power Internet of Things. At the same time, the transmission efficiency of this generation of Internet during data transmission is also higher than that of traditional power networks, enabling a more advanced and transparent management method to be implemented in the management of third-generation power networks. The ubiquitous power Internet of Things can effectively integrate service resources in different spaces, deeply integrate the Internet and the power service industry, enable all types of equipment involved in the energy link to have the ability to sense, and ultimately integrate all aspects of the energy ecosystem. All elements are connected and integrated as necessary.


2.2 The architectural composition of the ubiquitous power Internet of things

The basic architecture of the ubiquitous power Internet of Things includes the perception layer, platform layer and network layer. The main function of the platform layer is to manage data and the Internet of Things. Through this platform, the effective collection and use of data can be achieved. The main function of the network layer is to use modern network technology to effectively integrate the power system and network technology. The perception layer enables effective intercommunication between different links in the power system through terminal intelligent equipment and computer technology.


3.Ubiquitous power Internet of Things related technologies

3.1 Big data technology

The advantage of big data technology in ubiquitous power systems lies in its ability to effectively process massive data. A large amount of data will be generated during the operation of the power system, which is an amount of data that cannot be effectively utilized by traditional data mining tools. Using big data to process and mine massive amounts of data enables power companies to carry out analysis processes on all data contained in the power system. Through the analysis results, comparative analysis capabilities of power data and system monitoring during power operation can be achieved. The establishment of corresponding early warning mechanisms through these systems allows the power network to effectively control safety risks during operation, which plays a very important role in promoting the normal operation of power equipment.


3.2 Cloud computing technology

Cloud computing technology can also enable rapid analysis of large amounts of data in the power system, which is a computing capability that traditional servers cannot provide. At the same time, cloud computing has good customizability and scalability, which makes its application process in power systems more flexible. Cloud computing can serve as a platform to effectively integrate other advanced science and technology, making power equipment more intelligent. Because the cloud platform has outstanding computing capabilities, it has high efficiency in the process of data collection, allowing power companies to carry out power flow calculations through different algorithms in the process of applying cloud computing, and can conduct energy distribution in the power system. Scientific dispatch reduces the safety risks of the power system.


3.3 Internet of things technology

The Internet of Things technology includes numerous functions in its core definition. Its application in the power system also creates related functions of supervision and identification, by formulating corresponding protocols for various types of equipment in the power grid and in sensing equipment. With the assistance of the company, the intelligent level of the power system has been improved. Because the application of Internet of Things technology in the power system creates the ability to interact between people and equipment, this plays a very important role in promoting the perception and intelligence level of the power grid.


3.4 Application of 5G technology

With the advent of the 5G era, Internet technology has achieved faster information interaction capabilities with the help of this high-speed network. In addition to high transmission efficiency, 5G technology can also enable device communications to achieve faster response times and larger storage capabilities. By using audio slicing network technology, the delay problem generated during the communication process can be more effectively reduced, which provides a good foundation for automatic control of the equipment contained in the power system. For example, in the application process of voice slicing technology, this technology can effectively improve the communication scheduling and emergency capabilities. As the popularity of 5G gradually accelerates, the speed of information interaction in the ubiquitous power Internet of Things is getting faster and faster. Through the effective association of different information technologies, the intelligence level of equipment has been effectively improved. At the same time, the equipment has analytical capabilities, which provides important technical support for the development of smart grids. On this basis, new business forms and models are also realized, providing a good technical environment for the development of smart grids.


3.5 Blockchain technology

Among the many technical applications of the ubiquitous power Internet of Things, blockchain technology is a new technology that integrates information transmission and encryption algorithms and other related functions. At the same time, during the process of data processing, the data link technology contained in the blockchain provides powerful computing power and realizes distributed storage, allowing it to achieve better unit accounting attributes in the process of integrating the network. This technology can be used to encrypt relevant information. In the process of information encryption, due to its own particularity, third parties cannot view or crack the encrypted content, which plays a good role in information security. The use of blockchain technology in the power system can effectively guarantee the security of enterprise data. Especially for power trading platforms, it can ensure the security of information interaction while ensuring transactions, and at the same time effectively reduce the risks in the security field. cost input.


3.6 Artificial intelligence technology

The artificial intelligence technology used in power systems includes many advanced science and technology and basic disciplines. Its core purpose is to effectively integrate various abilities contained in the crystallization of human wisdom so that equipment can have human thinking methods. Artificial intelligence has the ability to learn by itself, and its corresponding learning ability is also constantly improving as its level of intelligence is improved. By continuously improving their own learning abilities, their cognitive level can be effectively improved. The biggest feature of artificial intelligence is that it can realize learning processes in different fields on a single device. With the continuous improvement of this learning ability, the intelligence level of computer platforms or robots has been greatly improved. Using artificial intelligence to analyze relevant data in the power system can promptly discover hidden dangers and problems in the power grid in a short period of time and make corresponding improvements. This enables more reliable distribution of electrical energy with the help of artificial intelligence.


Because of its multidisciplinary nature, artificial intelligence equipment can build a complete decision-making system based on relevant data provided in the power production process, as well as meteorological data and geographical data. Relevant early warnings are issued before the power system may be affected or fail, effectively reducing the impact of faults on the power system. At the same time, sociology, economics and psychology are used to analyze the power usage behavior of power system users, effectively improving the operating capabilities of power companies and reducing energy consumption levels.


3.7 Other technologies

In addition to the above main technologies, the ubiquitous power Internet of Things system also includes related technologies such as perceptual learning, information interaction and edge computing. It uses the data collected by the sensing devices contained in the power equipment to analyze the operation of the power system. Monitoring and analysis use terminal security technology to ensure that the Internet of Things will not be interfered and destroyed by third parties during the communication process, ensuring information security during data connectivity and interaction. 


By continuously integrating these technologies, the intelligence level, interaction capabilities and data processing capabilities of the power system can be effectively improved, which plays a very important role in promoting the construction of energy ecosystem and information security. By strengthening the perception ability and control level of the power network system, comprehensive integration and management of a variety of different equipment and systems will ultimately achieve the continuous optimization and improvement of the electrification level, energy utilization and intelligence level of the power system.


4.Development Trend of Ubiquitous Power Internet of Things

(1) Power grid enterprises should continuously strengthen their management level and platform construction capabilities in their daily operations, and enhance the core competitiveness of power enterprises by actively introducing advanced technologies and equipment. In the process of new energy layout, effective planning must be carried out based on its own operating conditions to reduce safety risks that may arise during the development of the enterprise. Because the ubiquitous power Internet of Things system is a new business model, the system construction process will be affected by technology and scenarios. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate corresponding standardization and standardization platforms, and at the same time strengthen the security of the platform, providing guarantee for safe and high-quality products.


(2) In the process of building a ubiquitous power Internet of Things system, it is necessary to continuously optimize the convergence method, reduce the impact of external factors and various risks in the business process, and promote the improvement of the economic benefits of the enterprise. Through active power transmission and distribution price recovery, we can enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, optimize energy consumption patterns, and formulate corresponding products based on the different consumption habits of users. At the same time, we should actively make scientific adjustments to the power dual network construction plan based on the information provided by current big data technology, thereby improving the quality of power network system services.



At present, the development of the ubiquitous power Internet of Things has provided a huge boost to the construction and innovation of the power system. Since the ubiquitous power Internet of Things is a new product, it is necessary to deeply explore the names of applications related to the ubiquitous power Internet of Things.


Technology in order to promote the construction and development of the ubiquitous power Internet of Things. In the future, the construction of the ubiquitous power Internet of Things system will look back on this systematic and intelligent development. New technologies such as big data and cloud computing will provide greater assistance to the development of the ubiquitous power Internet of Things, thereby improving the security of the operation of my country's power system.



[1] Acrel Enterprise Microgrid Design and Application Manual. Version 2022.05

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+8618795636361 michelle.zhou@email.acrel.cn
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